Installation costs are high BPR requires sufficient resources to fundamentally review and improve the existing business content, business flow, and organizational structure . In addition, caution is required as the use of tools and systems incurs huge implementation costs . Relationships with employees may deteriorate Implementing BPR places a heavy burden on employees. Therefore, even when resources are tight even in normal operations, introducing additional BPR may result in complaints from employees and a deterioration of relationships. To prevent such situations, upper management should consider the timing of implementing measures that reflect the opinions of employees working in the field.
Click here for success stories of training management outsourcing 5 steps to implement BPR BPR can be introduced in the following 5 steps. 1. Consideration 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Implementation 5. Monitoring/evaluation I will explain them in order. 1.Consideration Advertising Agency Mailing List First, upper management will discuss specifics such as `` Why are we implementing BPR? '' and `` To what extent will BPR improve our operations? '' 2. implementation and the scope of work to be targeted, analyze the current situation . The following methods are recommended for analysis. ・ABC analysis ・Process mapping ・Benchmarking 3.Design Design a BPR strategy based on the analyzed data .

Employee cooperation is essential for BPR to be successful. Therefore, be sure to reflect the opinions of your employees. 4.Implementation Implement BPR. BPR takes time to see results, so set some small goals to keep your employees motivated. 5.Monitoring/Evaluation Once BPR implementation is complete, we will start monitoring and evaluating it. The specific contents to be monitored and evaluated are as follows. ・Is the project progressing according to schedule? ・Are there any troubles or problems? ・What changes have occurred before and after implementation? Regular monitoring and evaluation will gradually lead to results. Click here for success stories of training management outsourcing 3 recommended methods for introducing BPR The following three methods are recommended for implementing BPR.