Mapping out the actions necessary to comply with the law . Want to know more? Read it now . How can Advanced IT help me in the Data Protection Era? – we made this publication to explain how our service can help your company in the regulation of data processing processes. We work to ensure that the company's processes are 100% within what is permitted by the General Data Protection Law . Want to know more? Read it now . Need a specialist partner? Advanced IT is the ideal partner for the moment.
When you need to adapt to the requirements of the new law. Starting with an analysis of the current status of your IT environment, which maps data storage and sharing. From there, you will know what actions you will need to implement to be in moible number data compliance with the LGPD . Download Free! The General Data Protection Act will require new processes. Find out what they are. Advanced It helps companies to elevate the IT environment to a new level, having as differential the specialization in database.

Application servers. Discover security in database management by accessing our website. Also visit our networks. Cybersecurity is a very serious matter and one that many Brazilian companies insist on neglecting . The absence of cybersecurity policies can greatly compromise the health of your IT environment and network. Among the main problems are the increased incidence of invasions and cyber scams. There are 3 main risks you need to be aware of. Discover more about each of them by reading the content we have prepared.