To think, I believe that it is a congenital lake of the human being. Nowadays, with the digital evolution that we are experiencing, we have a great tool to do good things, but it also makes society, people, less human, digitalization dehumanizes people, and it is precisely what we need, to be more human, to feel more for people, the trend is that one day wars will be waged by machines like the "terminator" and well, everyone knows how that ended. Log in to respond Nichola Chakravarty Very interesting article. Change is necessary and I believe Big Data can bring that change.
As a “global citizen”, our responsibility is to share Denmark WhatsApp Number Data information and resources. social change are the first step forward. We cannot continue to live in our bubble of privilege and ignore the needs of those who do not have access to what we do. The changes that Big Data brings, especially in the fields of health and education, are vital and will eventually trickle down in a way that even small businesses can create change. It has been a matter of time with each disruptive innovation and this is for social good. We cannot ignore the benefits it can bring. Log in to respond Julio Hello Maria Mercedes The article generated ideas for me to become a company with a real social vocation.

Although it is true that we have sustainability in our DNA and that tourism becomes a powerful income-generating activity for vulnerable communities, we are still missing a component and it is a technological part, especially with data. The specific case is that in Medellín we take a tour of one of the most dangerous old neighborhoods in the city but which today enjoys an excellent reputation among visitors. These tours are carried out by the same members of the community and have had very high growth. They are receiving close to people weekly.