Note if you also continue to target other conversions, you must give them a relative value to each other. A qualitative visitor is then worth , for example, but an actually completed contact form may be worth .) Turn your qualitative visitors into a target group , let the advertising platforms find similar target groups and set up a campaign for them. The above options work in both Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram or LinkedIn, although in the latter case you are (still) dependent on the firing of a conversion pixel if a visitor shows a qualitative visit.
Follow-up of quality visits Do you use lead recognition? Then you are probably already familiar with quality visits. Your sales people will be happy to call visitors who show certain behavior. Especially if those visitors come from a certain niche or are employees of a company photo editor that you have had on your wish list for a long time. Lead recognition tools, such as SalesFeed , have more than enough capabilities to define quality visits. In SalesFeed it is also relatively easy to include qualitative visitors.

According to the definitions you have given them in this tool, as a GA event or Google Tag Manager trigger. You do need some development knowledge for this. Read also: GA : the settings you should not forget The value of quality visits for findability (SEO) Qualitative visitors, or visitors with 'engagement', are becoming increasingly important. Not only to call or bombard you with advertisements, but also for the authority of your website. In , user engagement will be taken even more seriously as a ranking factor by Google, as was the case before ( an estimated.